Peter Wright Music Teaching: Piano & Saxophone

About Me

Photo of Peter

I’ve been teaching the piano and saxophone since 2010, and in that time I have become passionate about inpsiring people to make music in a way that works for them.

I started learning piano informally at a young age; picking up bits and pieces from family members, watching my father play, and also working out songs by ear. I learned about chords and arranging in this way, copying what I heard in my favourite records, learning about jazz harmony, and developing my aural skills. I then started having formal piano lessons as a teenager, learning more theory and classical technique as I worked through the grades. As an adult I continue develop my playing, and to learn more about music every day.

Having learned the piano, and picked up a few other instruments along the way (trumpet, guitar and bass guitar), I tried out the alto saxophone in 2002, when I was twenty. As soon as I could afford to, I bought soprano and tenor saxes too (as well as a new alto) and started having lessons, quickly progressing to grade eight and beyond.

When I started teaching I sought to teach my pupils in a way that emulated the way I learned, where aural skills and general musicianship take a central role, rather than simply ‘playing the instrument’. I have tried various different methods and approaches on this journey (you can read more about this on my teaching philosophy page), and I continue to refine my approach, learning from every pupil.

In addition my teaching, I also run and front Police and Sting tribute bands The Police Academy and The Sting Operation, I do remote recording of horn sections as Blown Away, and I offer my services as a wedding pianist.

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